Day 18: Travelling with CF
Ventolin was my best friend on these trips. A portable pharmacy My carry-on luggage nearly always hit its weight limit as I had to carry my small pharmacy on the plane. Although I’d love to be able to be a spontaneous traveller and go on a holiday at the drop of a hat, as with everything else when it comes to CF, traveling requires careful planning. Letters from my medical team with details of my medical history along with the list of medications that I intend to carry through customs are essential. Insurance in a bottle Along with my regular medications, I would also carry oral antibiotics (so I could start treatment immediately if I experienced a problem) and tranexamic acid (which helps the blood clot quickly in case I had a bleed while overseas.) Travel Insurance companies have strange ideas regarding CF and travel. They place a lot of weight on hospitalizations or the administration of IV antibiotics in the last 12 months. Ticking those boxes increases the odds that rejection for cover for CF as a pre-existing condition will be the result. Ironically, right after a course of IV antibiotics is when a person with CF is most fit to travel.
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Written bySandi Parsons - Cystic Fibrosis Warrior. |